World Master of Business Administration (World MBA)
Program Eligibility
Bachelor's Degree
Program Description
Conventional MBA programs generally focus upon teaching the learners of their ultimate objective as business managers - wealth maximization of shareholders. Irrespective of how lofty and glorious strategic goals of an organization are, as captured in their vision/ mission statements, the bottom line remains profit making. Greed is essentially the driving force behind most business enterprises. Almost all the management theories are weaved around this harsh but pragmatic reality dominated by the Western thought. The hegemony of this Western thought systematically sidelined the Eastern thought, which is more inclined towards peaceful coexistence, empathy, and welfare of all. The African philosophy of uBuntu and the Indian thought of "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" (the world is one family) have been long forgotten. Perhaps, this has led to the continual downfall of the human society and led to many ills in the business world.
The clerical mindset intentionally created in the colonized populations by the colonial education system still continues despite independence of many countries.
World Curriculum has created World MBA by putting special emphasis on innovation, new product development and entrepreneurship so that learners think of themselves as potential creators of employments rather than being employed by others as executives (contemporary name given to the role of clerks). A mandatory course on Life Management with 'Karma Yoga' has been included to provide the learners with an opportunity to rethink several established concepts of management:
1. Strategic management: Defined as long-term planning having long-term objectives with a planning horizon typically spanning several years. In this course, a person can set strategic objectives for the current life as well as afterlife.
2. Servant leadership: is to lead by example through service to humankind. This leadership style is at the core of the strategic objectives for a human life, as explained in this course citing the Gita.
3. Productivity and quality improvement: This course, through the preaching in Bhagwat Gita, exhorts everyone to work in the chosen profession in an equipoised manner without ever abstaining from work. By disowning the outcomes of the work, the worker relieves herself/ himself from all sorts of tensions and therefore, works with full dedication. It automatically ensues in higher productivity and better quality of the output.
4. Stress management: The causes of stress can be of different types at different points of time. Mostly, it is either due to fear of unwanted outcomes or bad behavior on part of close family members, relatives, friends, colleagues, or the reporting manager. This course helps in changing your perspective in either of these scenarios, and hence, helps in alleviating all the worries and tensions.
5. Blissful and successful life/ career: Removing stress at one point in time is one thing but living a happy and blissful life eternally is another. The lessons in this course help you in elevating your mind to such a higher level of consciousness that all differences between friends and enemies, distress and pleasure, pebbles and gold start fading away. The boundaries between heaven and hell start to merge in this state of permanent bliss and ecstasy, which few human beings can achieve in their lifetime. Indeed, the strategic objectives of a successful life and career are reimagined and realigned in the six stages prescribed in this course.
Program Learning Outcomes
After completing the World MBA, the learners should be able to:
PO1: Set strategic professional and personal goals for benefitting the local community and the whole world
PO2: Exhibit meticulous planning, exemplary demeanor, and excellent work ethics even in tough business situations
PO3: Take informed business decisions and achieve goals while appreciating global diversity, values, and cooperation
Mandatory Courses
MAN101: Principles of Management
MAN102: Life Management with ‘Karma Yoga’
MAN103: Strategic Management in World Business Environment
MAN104: Innovation, New Product Development, and Entrepreneurship
MAN105: Operations Management
MAN106: Financial Management
MAN107: Marketing Management
Specialization Course (any two to be chosen)
MAN111: International Human Resources Management
MAN112: Organizational Behavior
MAN113: Leadership in World Business
MAN301: Quality Management
MAN302: Data Analytics
MAN303: Managerial Economics
MAN501: Quality Management
MAN502: Supply Chain Management
MAN503: Project Management
MAN504: Information Systems Project Management
MAN505: Enterprise Knowledge Management
MAN506: Outsourcing and Supplier Management
MAN601 Performance Management
MAN602 Corporate Finance
MAN603 International Finance
MAN701: Marketing Strategy
MAN702: Services Management
MAN703: Consumer Behavior and Relationship Management
MAN100: Capstone Project